jueves, 25 de agosto de 2016

Tropical Dry Forest In The World

Distribution Of The Tropical Dry Forest

The areas with the greatest diversity of plants in tropical dry forests of America are located in northwestern Chaco, in the Andean valleys of Peru and southwestern Mexico, where about 16% of the species

Trees are endemic; it is very likely that in these areas has caused most of the species that constitute tropical deciduous forests of America. 
 In the Americas, the tropical dry forests located north of the equator are distributed from western Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico, to Costa Rica, several Caribbean islands and northern Colombia and Venezuela.

 In the southern hemisphere they occupy the southern coasts of Ecuador and northern Peru and surrounding semi-desert region of the Caatinga, from the northeast of Brazil to northern Argentina, Paraguay southwestern and southern Bolivia, where they form part of the so-called Chaco and other Chitiano Forest. 

In Africa, the vast savannas and dry forests cross the equator and interrupt the continuity of the Congolese rain forests of the region; in the region of Miombo forests are concentrated in lower parts, between 200 and 800 m; They are distributed across the vast savannahs of central and eastern highlands of the continent and occupy a significant portion of the western half of the island of Madagascar.

 In Australia, tropical dry forests are distributed along a wide stretch of the northern coast New Caledonia and predate the savannas and deserts that dominate the central region of this continent.

Latin American dry tropical forest is one of the most endangered bioma on earth, this video hightlights the importances of dry forests and the posibilities for restore and conserve it safely.

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